About Satyam Larocca

Archeology Researcher, International Guide, Animal Communicator, Dance and Ecotherapist, Meditation Teacher, Free Diver

Roxane Satyam Larocca

B.A. Near East Archeology, Certified Guide, Certified Hidrotherapist, Certified Intuitive Dance Therapist, Animal Communicator, Free Diver

Born in Brazil from a Brazilian mother and an Italian father, she grew up in a rich cultural and natural environment which combined the magic of Brazilian folklore, forests and sea, with a classical education in music, mythology, archeology and biblical history.

 With an innate passion for nature, she sensed a conscious essence in it, which went beyond religion or faith. She had several lucid dreaming experiences in her childhood and teenage years that motivated her to research spiritual practices in the ancient civilizations, and this opened the way to a life long research about the nature of consciousness and past origins of humanity.

At the age of 19, after 6 months of travel and exploration in Bolivia, Peru and Ecuador, she moved to Jerusalem where she studied Biblical Archeology, Egyptology and Ancient Languages at the Hebrew University.  She became a certified guide in Israel by the Israeli Ministry of Tourism School, and also led exploration groups  to Egypt and Jordan.

After her studies she went to India and Nepal where she pursued direct experience with altered states of consciousness through Yoga and Meditation techniques.

She practiced Tibetan Yoga and Meditation under traditional Tibetan teachers in Nepal, Vipassana meditation (Goenka line) in India, and was also certified in intuitive dance and hypno- therapy by the Osho international Academy of Healing Arts in Pune, Maharashtra.

Back to the west, she settled in Eilat by the Red Sea, and started applying her knowledge of Yoga and breathing techniques in the sea as a free diver and also got certified as a Hydrotherapist from the Izzy Shapira school in Israel.

She practiced free diving under the world champion Umberto Pelizzari and became the first female in Israel to break a national record in Dynamic free diving in 2005. She also holds a personal record of 48 meters depth.

Free diving in the ocean together with vast experience in meditative techniques brought her into a deep communion with herself and nature.

She then created “Ecotherapy” sessions which mingled the inner experience of each participant with the empowering natural environment, performing classes and sessions in nature locations, such as desert, forests and in the sea.

Through comparative research in ancient rituals and religions, basics of Jungian Psichology and through direct experiences with somatic and emotional awareness gained through dance, meditation and nature, she turned her attention to the resources of native shamanism and female spirituality and integrated these approaches in her work as an ecotherapist.

These brought the participants into deeper contact with their true nature through movement, breathing and self observation within a natural evironment  (earth and  water).

She learned and practiced animal communication with Brazilian natives (Fulnyio tribe), which later on she deepend studying and practicing under veterinary french doctor and animal communicator, Anna Evans.

Since then Satyam has been giving lectures on ancient religions, healing sessions and workshops using ecotherapy, freediving, meditation and intuitive dance, teaching animal communication and using it as a way of healing animals and the relationship animal-human.

A door was also opened to her concerning contact with other entities that are present in our world, and after a collective experience under her guidance witnessed also by outsiders, she initiated the extraterrestrial contact community in Israel in 2017.

She also leads life transforming tours to Egypt, Israel, Italy and South America where she integrates the different types of therapies and nature immersion experiences that she acquired, together with a new version on the origins of humanity and our true potential and mission as guardians of the Earth.

She speaks fluently English, French, Italian, Portuguese, Spanish and Hebrew.


Satyam 2020 3

Transforming Lifes

When we rediscover ourselves and our planet, life suddenly makes sense and living becomes an ever growing dance of gratitude.

Mysterious and sacred truths are no longer the domain of mystics, but of all human beings who are ready to change their lifes for the best in a deeper sense and go boldly into the unknown which presents it self to us every day and every night. So, enjoy the ride!



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